Categories of Precision Forging Technology

Precision forging technology is a kind of technologies that the dimension of components can meet the accuracy requirements with no or less processing after being forged. There are two main paths for precision forging: elaboration blanks (forging directly into blanks which meet the requirements of precision machining), precision forgings (the whole component or some parte directly forged by using precision technology which reduce machining quantity). At present, there are various precision forging technologies using for production. Based on different temperatures, precision forging technology can be classified into hot precision forging, cold precision forging, warm precision forging and composite precision forging. 
Hot precision forging
Hot precision forging refers to the precision forging technology which is carried out above the temperature of recrystallization. Due to high deformation temperature, the materials have low deformation resistance and good plasticity during being forged, which can easily form complex-shaped components. 
Cold precision forging    
Cold precision forging is a kind of precision forging technologies which is carried out under room temperature. Due to room temperature, the component avoids dimension errors caused by thermal expansion and contraction stress. So, the shape and dimension of components are controlled more easily. Meanwhile, the surface of forgings cannot cause oxidation or burning loss which has higher surface quality. Therefore, the precision of hot precision forging and warm precision forging is lower than that of cold precision forging.
Warm precision forging
Warm precision forging means that the metal is heated the proper temperature which is below than temperature of recrystallization. It combines the advantages of hot and cold precision forging in case of their defects, effectively reducing the load on equipment and mold, and improving plasticity and mobility of metal without forging annealing. 
Composite precision forging
Composite precision forging is a kind of technologies which combine cold, warm and hot precision forging. It can exert advantages of cold, warm and hot precision forging and avoid their defects. Meanwhile, using composite precision, the component has higher mechanical properties, dimension precision and surface quality, compared with the component which is manufactured by using single forging technology.
Categories of Precision Forging Technology


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